Email & Newsletters

Emails drive leads, sales & success

Email is one of the easiest ways to reach and engage with customers and contacts. It’s also the most cost-effective sales driver in the digital marketing world. The delivery rate for email is very high – about 98.3% (overall). In comparison, social media provides limited reach to existing followers. Even perfectly timed posts and private messages won’t achieve the same delivery rate as emails. Email is also the preferred channel for promotional messages (77%). That makes email one of the most cost-effective ways to boost website traffic, drive acquisitions, increase donations, and build brand awareness

Visual communications: a springboard for success

Eye-catching, visual communications combines great branding with timely messaging – to begin engaging with target audience(s) in a matter of seconds. Provide value and serve audiences’ interests and your branded emails will earn a treasured spot in thousands of inboxes. But these are just inital steps towards meeting overarching, organizational goals. Each email blast must serve a purpose. Driving membership, promoting products, fundraising, or grass roots / activation campaigns are just some of the common email goals. And, done right, each one of these email campaigns can also tie to awareness campaigns that occur via websites, PR, social media, advertising, or word-of-mouth. It’s a world of opportunity and harnessing knowledge and experience is power.


Creating a startup success story.

5 proven ways to elevate email performance

Strategic focus

From membership emails to winback/re-engagement, all email campaigns begin with understanding CTAs and business goals and then readying a plan for exceeding those goals

Visual communications

Combining great visuals with powerful messaging provides a competitive edge

Mobile optimization

Responsive, mobile-friendly design and testing emails across devices before it goes out are key

Best practices checklist

From email layout to recognizable senders to powerful subject lines to managing list data, having a final checklist helps to maximize performance

Links and Call-to-Action Strategy

Make sure links and calls-to-action are strategically placed into your email design to maximize click-thru rates


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