How hiring a part-time
energizer can transform
your entire organization.
Listen up nonprofits and small to medium-sized businesses, as this can energize your entire organization and transform the way you do business. And, if done right, all of thesetransformational changes can happen with no incremental cost.
Imagine hiring an email or social media manager for a $50K salary. Yet fully-loaded costs for that employee are closer to $75K in year one. Over time, as that salary nears $70K the fully-loaded costs will surpass $100K. Now imagine having 10, 20 or 30 employees. Not only can staffs get really expensive, but any “underperformers” can hurt via both a “productivity drain” and an “opportunity cost.”
But how can that change? How can entire staffs and programs get energized? How can e.g. nonprofits acquire high-productivity resources to help – yet not pay anything incremental?
Traditional employees cost way more than you’d think, due to hidden benefits and compensation often equal to 40-50% of their salary.
The secret is to understand the “hidden cost” of one employee and the “multiplier effect” for hiring a whole staff.
Sales and Marketing staff are “super-employees” or “gamechangers” reknowned for driving extreme productivity and growth. A singlegamechanger can often help to transform an entire organization while surpassing targeted business goals. But beyond Sales, which roles can transform your organization and why? Here are the most common options for creating impact:
For a quick “energy boost”, simply add a part-time, super-employee (at a lower-cost than a traditional hire). But should a lower-performing or “fringe” employee leave, an organization will gain all three benefits at no additional cost:
If you’re interested in learning more, simply contact us below. Once we chat, we’ll share a second tip as to how a number of those gamechanger types can be combined for no additional cost. We look forward to hearing from you soon!
Creative & Digital Partners is one of the fastest-growing branding and digital marketing agencies.